PhysicsLAB Practice Problems

Topics: On this worksheet you will practice calculations involving the continuity equation and Bernoulli's equation.

Page Directions The numerical values in this worksheet are randomly generated allowing students the opportunity to conveniently practice, and drill, common situations.

Before beginning any given worksheet, please look over all of the questions and make sure that there are no duplicate answers shown for the same question. If duplicates are present simply refresh the page until every answer is unique.

In order to check an answer (even when you are just starting the worksheet on Question 1) it is necessary to omit any questions that you have not answered. Once you start submitting answers, the page may be checked as many times as necesasary without changing the randomized answers. Relevant scoring will be provided at the top of the page only when you answer all of the questions on your original submission.

Question 1  

The large container shown in the cross section above is filled with a liquid of density 1.2 x 103 kg/m3. A small hole of area 2.4 x 10-6 m2 is opened in the side of the container which allows a stream of liquid to flow through the hole and onto the nearby counter surface. At the same time, liquid is also added to the container at an appropriate rate so that h = 62 cm remains constant. If the hole is 40 cm above the base of the container, at what speed will the water escape?
Question 2  How much fluid, measured in cubic meters, must be added each second to replace the water exiting through the hole?
Question 3  At what range, x, does the water stream impact the counter's surface?
Question 4  Why did you not need to include atmospheric pressure when calculating any of these answers?
Question 5  Water is pumped out of a well at 6.2 m/s through a 5 cm diameter hose. If the well is 42 meters deep, how powerful is the pump?
Question 6  

A fountain at a park has an opening of radius 0.021 meters which shoots a stream of fresh water vertically from ground level at 6.2 m/sec. The fountain is fed by a pipe that at one point has a radius of 0.029 meters and is 3.1 meters below the fountain’s opening. Calculate the absolute pressure in the pipe while it is underground and has area A1.
Question 7  

In the diagram shown above, air is flowing through a pipe. If the radius of the large pipe is 2.1 times greater than the radius of the constricted region, how fast is the air traveling in the constricted region when the difference in the heights of mercury levels in the manometer tubes is 11 cm? NOTE: The density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m3 and the density of air is 1.28 kg/m3.

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