PhysicsLAB Practice Problems
Sample DC Resistor Network

Topics: On this worksheet you will review the formulas and relationships for resistors wired in series and in parallel.

Page Directions The numerical values in this worksheet are randomly generated allowing students the opportunity to conveniently practice, and drill, common situations.

Before beginning any given worksheet, please look over all of the questions and make sure that there are no duplicate answers shown for the same question. If duplicates are present simply refresh the page until every answer is unique.

In order to check an answer (even when you are just starting the worksheet on Question 1) it is necessary to omit any questions that you have not answered. Once you start submitting answers, the page may be checked as many times as necesasary without changing the randomized answers. Relevant scoring will be provided at the top of the page only when you answer all of the questions on your original submission.

My recommendation is to first build a voltage diagram and an R|I|V|P chart for the circuit and then check your answers by supplying the value specified in each question.
Question 1  In the circuit shown above, the values for each resistor are:

R1 = 4 Ω      R2 = 5 Ω      R3 = 11 Ω      R4 = 7.75 Ω      R5 = 2 Ω      R6 = 6 Ω      R7 = 42 Ω

Based on these values, what would be the total resistance of the combination R2, R3, and R4.
Question 2  What is the total resistance of R2, R3, R4, and R5?
Question 3  What is the total resistance of R6 and R7?
Question 4  What is the total resistance between points b and c?
Question 5  What is the total resistance between points a and d?
Question 6  If the circuit is connected to a 28.16 volt battery, what is the current through R1?
Question 7  What is the current through R2?
Question 8  What is the current through R5?
Question 9  What is the current through R6?
Question 10  What is the voltage drop across R7?
Question 11  What is the voltage drop across R3?
Question 12  How much power is dissipated through R1?
Question 13  How much power is dissipated through R5?
Question 14  How much power must be supplied by the battery to run this entire circuit?

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