Position-Time Graph "Story" Combinations
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Refer to the following information for the next four questions.
For each of the graphs shown below, choose the description that would correctly outline the behavior of the cart in each "colored" section.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
while traveling in a positive direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, uniformly loses its speed coming to a stop, rests, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that negative velocity, then uniformly loses speed and comes to a final rest.
while traveling in a negative direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed but in a positive direction.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
none of the above
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
while traveling in a positive direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, uniformly loses its speed coming to a stop, rests, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that negative velocity, then uniformly loses speed and comes to a final rest.
while traveling in a negative direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed but in a positive direction.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
none of the above
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
while traveling in a positive direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, uniformly loses its speed coming to a stop, rests, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that negative velocity, then uniformly loses speed and comes to a final rest.
while traveling in a negative direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed but in a positive direction.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
none of the above
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
while traveling in a positive direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a positive direction, maintains that speed, uniformly loses its speed coming to a stop, rests, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that negative velocity, then uniformly loses speed and comes to a final rest.
while traveling in a negative direction, a rapidly moving cart uniformly loses speed, comes to a stop and rests, and then uniformly regains its original speed but in a positive direction.
a cart originally at rest, uniformly gains speed in a negative direction, maintains that speed, and then uniformly loses its speed finally coming to a stop.
none of the above
Refer to the following information for the next question.
On your own paper draw a position-time graph illustrating the following story.
A person who walks two blocks at a moderate speed, waits at an intersection for a short time until the "walk" light turns "green," then walks the next block more slowly, and finally runs the final two blocks very rapidly.
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Catharine H. Colwell
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Mark Acton