SVA Relationships #1
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instantaneous position
y-coordinate of point
- - -
- - -
difference in two y-coordinates
area between graph and x-axis
- - -
instantaneous velocity
slope of tangent (to the graph) at specified time
y-coordinate of point
- - -
change in velocity
- - -
difference in two y-coordinates
area between graph and x-axis
instantaneous acceleration
- - -
slope of graph at specified time
y-coordinate of point
Refer to the following information for the next nine questions.
Use the given position-time, velocity-time, and acceleration-time graphs to determine the missing values for position,
, and the final velocity,
True or False? The cart in the above graphs in traveling in a positive direction.
True or False? the cart is experiencing a constant positive acceleration.
What is the cart's initial speed?
What is the cart's initial position?
How much did the cart's velocity change from 2 to 14 seconds?
What is the cart's final velocity at 14 seconds?
How fast was the cart traveling at 8 seconds?
How far did the cart travel between 2 and 14 seconds?
What is the cart's final position at 14 seconds?
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Copyright © 1997-2025
Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.
Application Programmer
Mark Acton