PhysicsLAB Worksheet
Horizontally Released Projectiles #2

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Refer to the following information for the next five questions.

To start this problem, construct an  H | V Chart and list your givens. Complete each calculation under the appropriate column. Do your work neatly and box in each answer with its appropriate unit of measurement.
An Olympic diver springs forward off a 10 meter platform. He enters the water 8 meters beyond the edge of the platform.
Olympic diver
1. How much time does it spend in the air? 

2. How fast did he spring forward off the edge of the diving tower? 

3. How fast was it traveling vertically when it hit the water? 

4. What was its impact speed when it impacted the water? 

5. At what angle did he enter the water? 

Refer to the following information for the next six questions.

To start this problem, construct an  H | V Chart and list your givens. Complete each calculation under the appropriate column. Do your work neatly and box in each answer with its appropriate unit of measurement.
A helicopter drops a relief package to some isolated refugees. The package travels 250 meters forward while taking 4 seconds to land after it is released.
Relief package
6. How high was the helicopter flying when it released the package? 

7. How fast was the helicopter flying when it released the package? 

8. How fast was the package falling vertically just before it landed on the island? 

9. What was the package's impact speed, resultant velocity, when it landed on the island? 

10. At what angle was the package's trajectory with respect to the ground at the instant that it landed? 

11. If the helicopter pilot does not change his velocity after releasing the package, what will be the position of the helicopter when the package lands? 

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