PhysicsLAB Worksheet
Kirchhoff's Laws: Sample Circuit

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Analyze the following circuit to assist your understanding of setting up equations using Kirchhoff's Laws.
1. Which letters represent junctions? 

2. Are these junctions equivalent? 

3. Write this junction equation. 

4. Why are A and B not considered to be junctions?

For the remainder of the worksheet, R = 5 ohms and the emf of the battery equals 20 V.
5. Write the equation for the loop EDCAE. 

6. Write the equation for the loop EFBCAE. 

7. Write the equation for the loop EDCFE. 

8. Write the equation for the loop ACBA. 

9. What is the magnitude of each current? 

10  What does a negative current mean? 

11.  Which batteries are discharging? 

12  What is the voltage across AB? 

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